13 March 2009


Just HAD to post this. I have been enamoured my this music and the song. Yes, the link I'll be providing is to the Uruguayan musician Jorge Drexler's "Todo se Transforma". This song has been stuck inside my head for the last few days. Simply love it. To give a peek into Drexler, he's the same guy who sang the very beautifully haunting "Al Otro la do del rio" from the film "The Motorcycle Diaries"( Another favorite).
Anyways, here's the link:
Jorge Drexler's "Todo se Transforma"

10 after-thought(s):

The Sunflower Collective said...

so here u are! no wonder...i dont even know anything like that existed :) poor me

modernexile said...

That is nothing.. thats what I say.. the world has too many beautiful things that are waiting to be discovered by us. I am giving the English translation to further enhance its beauty:

Todo se transforma
Everything transforms
(Jorge Drexler)

Tu beso se hizo calor,
Your kiss became heat

luego el calor movimiento,
then the heat movement

luego gota de sudor
then drop of sweat

que se hizo vapor, luego viento
that became vapor, then wind

que en un rincón de La Rioja
that in a corner of La Rioja

movió el aspa de un molino
moved the windmill blades

mientras se pisaba el vino
while the wine was being trodden

que bebió tu boca roja.
that which your red mouth drank

Tu boca roja en la mía,
Your red mouth in mine

la copa que gira en mi mano
The wine glass that swirls in my hand

y mientras el vino caía
and while the wine fell

supe que de algún lejano
I knew that from some faraway

rincón de otra galaxia,
corner of another galaxy

el amor que me darías,
the love that you would give me

transformado, volvería
transformed, it would return

un día a darte las gracias.
one day to thank you

Cada uno da lo que recibe
Each one gives what he receives

y luego recibe lo que da,
then he receives what he gives

nada es más simple,
nothing is simpler

no hay otra norma:
there’s no other norm

nada se pierde,
nothing is lost

todo se transforma.
everything is transformed

El vino que pagué yo,
The wine that I paid

con aquel euro italiano
with that Italian Euro

que había estado en un vagón
that had been in a railway carriage

antes de estar en mi mano,
before being in my hand

y antes de eso en Torino,
and before that in Torino

y antes de Torino, en Prato,
and before Torino in Prato

donde hicieron mi zapato
where my shoe was made

sobre el que caería el vino.
on which the wine would fall

Zapatos que en unas horas
Shoes that in some hours

buscaré bajo tu cama
I’ll search under your bed

con las luces de la aurora,
with the lights of dawn

junto a tus sandalias planas
next to the flat sandals

que compraste aquella vez
that you bought that time

en Salvador de Bahía,
in Salvador de Bahía

donde a otro diste el amor
where to another one you gave the love

que hoy yo, te devolvería...
that today I would return to you...

Cada uno da lo que recibe
Each one gives what he receives

y luego recibe lo que da,
then he receives what he gives

nada es más simple,
nothing is simpler

no hay otra norma:
there’s no other norm

nada se pierde,
nothing is lost

todo se transforma.
everything is transformed

Sujoy Bhattacharjee said...

Never sampled any of his music. Thanks for the recommendation...will stack it in my to-listen list.
And Happy Holi

ShantanuDas said...

Did you understand the song when you heard it or understood it later? (My curious mind wants to know if you know the language and if so how come!! I mean WOW!!)

I like these songs Spanish.. like Gloria Estefan and all.. this too is good-- must download some.. hmmmm

modernexile said...


Thanks for the holi wishes... hope you'd a colourful one. Drexler was an amazing find for me, hopefully you'll equally enjoy his music.

Alas! I don't know the lanuagage yet, a few words, may be, at the most but am definitely going to learn. Knowing the somgs by heart is the first step...

Good to know that you liked it too. Do download it. won't be disappointed, I guess..

ShantanuDas said...

You can connect with Reena on my blog .. she is an Indian in Spain.. your age,.. if you want to learn Spanish !! :-))

Btw I did not say Happy holi to you since it was tooo late!!

Yes. I will reinstall Shareaza P2P and download songs I can get..

The Sunflower Collective said...

how cud u translate it all?if u dont know the language?

I know I sound dumbo..but i still feel u might not have got it from the net..

ShantanuDas said...

Ei Boka!
hmmm :-))
Arrey she said na? that she does not know the language?!! I too thought how this girl was translating! but now she has clarified!!

But of course pardon my intrusion between you two. you two must be friends.. so you must be teasing her! So I am not needed in between!! LOL!

Okay Bye.. no ill feelings!!

The Sunflower Collective said...

we arent exactly friends :) lol were musicians :)we sing together

The Sunflower Collective said...

you should give the link iun that post for us to download :) whose goona do all the searching lol...atleast the last FM link common u can do that for us